Frequently Asked Questions

What is the difference between a Metro District and an HOA?

A Metro District is a quasi-municipal corporation and political subdivision of the State of Colorado formed pursuant to Sections 32-1-101, et seq., C.R.S. As a governmental entity, we are bound by similar rules as city governments, and the majority of our income is collected through property taxes. The Metro District was established to help fund the infrastructure of the community as well as to pay for the operations of the District.

A Homeowners Association is a not-for-profit corporation in the State of Colorado. HOAs are governed by the Colorado Common Interest Ownership Act (CCIOA).  The funds for HOAs are collected through Assessments.

How can I get approval to change something on my lot?

Architectural approval is required if you change anything on the exterior of your townhome. The form can be found here. Information regarding what can be done can be found here.

Where are the designated parking areas in the community?

Click here for parking information.

When does the trash & recycling get picked up?

The condominiums have dumpster service provided by the condo association. Townhomes have service provided by the District with pick-ups on Thursdays.

How can I get large items pick-up?

Please call Republic Services at 303-286-1200 to schedule a large collection pick-up.  There is a $25.00 per item fee that will be due prior to service. 

What holidays will delay the trash pick-up?

The holiday schedule can be found here.

When does the pool open?

Traditionally, the pool opens on Memorial Day weekend. However, the ability to open and the timing will depend on restrictions due to COVID-19.

I am a townhome owner; what do my monthly fees cover?

The information regarding this can be found here.

Who is responsible for the maintenance and insurance for the exterior of my townhome?

The townhomes in Westown are true townhomes, which means that the owner owns the entire structure. As such, the owner is responsible for the maintenance and insurance of the exterior. You can click here for a copy of the Declaration of Covenants and Restrictions which has the maintenance information highlighted. You can find the pertinent information on pages 4, 5, and 16.

I am a condominium owner; what do my monthly fees cover?

Information regarding the condominium association can be found here.

What kind of snow removal is done for the District?

The District provides snow removal for the common areas, including alleys, sidewalks, and paths to townhomes. The paths to the townhomes are only done to the fence or front step; the area beyond that is the homeowner's responsibility. 

The District has a 2-inch trigger for snow removal; this means that there has to be an average of 2 inches of snow in the community before the crews come out. We do our best to address icy areas as well.

What kind of signs can I have up?

Sign guidelines can be found here.

Who can I contact for more information?

The District's management team can be found here.